Dear Shoppers,
Not unlike my kindergarten-crush John Eckman, you ignore my smiles and hello’s, this of course doesn’t get me down because after all, you do leave the store so pleasantly disorganized. Thank you for leaving clothes on racks of which they don’t belong- or better yet, thanks for leaving piles of garments on the floor for others to step on. I am so thrilled that you try out 30 pieces of clothes and leave all but 1 lonely spaghetti strap top for 5.95 (the only item you can afford) in the fitting room for me to pick up after you leave without uttering a small “thanks.” Thank you; I don’t know how I would be able to measure my happiness outside of work if you weren’t a part of my work life.
Bitter Betty at the Mall
Oh you're welcome.
Miss Shops A Lot
John Eckman!!! HA!!!
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