Friday, December 23, 2011

These amphibian studs are my new go-to. Now that I cut my again to a pixie style, I find that heavier earrings are stunning but only when I feel especially fancy and confident. Never before have I embraced the stud earring, but things have changed and I am loving it. And aren't these just darling?! After digging through a lot of (sorry) junk with my pal Cass at Forever 21, we scored these for a buck-ninety each!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Do it, do the hustle.

Alright. In the spirit of bringing in the new year, I want to construct a customary list of some of the things I want to achieve in 2012. Goals, resolutions, get the gist. And I think if I post it here, I'm going to have to follow through (for the two people who read my blog). Here goes... in no particular order.
1. Ressurrect my Etsy, FINALLY
2. Roadtrip to New Mexico
3. Dust off my pliers and make some banging jewelry
4. Read three books a month
5. Make a book strap
6. Dip my toes in the pond of photography for play
7. Take better care of my blog
8. Learn to play the uke
9. Construct a book lamp
10. Write more letters to my loved ones
12. Cut myself some slack.
Mmmk, that's all folks.